Reporting Instructions
Term #1 – At Risk
- By the end of Term #1 you must notify all clusters which students are considered at risk.
- Brimbank cluster requires individual student progress tabs to be updated on the portal a week earlier.
Term #2 – Interim Reports
- Interim Reports due mid June, ABSOLUTE deadline, Monday the last week of Term #2.
- Competencies and progress are done on the online portal.
- Teacher to complete individual student comments on word doc, then to be checked by Merilyn and cut and paste into Compass by teacher
Term #3 – At Risk
- At risk students are to be continually monitored throughout the Term and teachers are to notify ACDA if issues continue.
- ACDA will then notify the VET coordinators so there is no surprise to the student or parents if the student does not pass the year.
- We will have results for most students in the middle of Term #3, some may need extensions and Merilyn is to advise on this.
Term #4 – Competency and Final Reports
- Teachers are to confirm UOC Competent or Not Yet Competent (C or NYC), in assessment doc – Continual Assessment Tab.
- Clusters will ask for Final Reports.
- We advise a generic sentence of, “congratulations, this student as passed all competencies”.
Brimbank – Portal Instructions
To get onto the Brimbank portal link, click the link below. If you haven’t already, please save this link for ease of access.
With the Trainer Dropdown Box, find your name and use the password (provided by Brimbank) and press submit. This is to gain access to your class/student attendance list. Once you are in, there are 3 tabs:
1. Absences
2. Competencies
3. Progress
1. Absences
Here, you are able to see the students and can mark absences by doing the following:
- By clicking on the dropdown box next to each students name, you can choose Partial Absence, Full Day Absence or General Comment.
- If the student was not absent leave blank
- When you finish attendance, click Save Absences at the bottom of the page
- This page is also used to mark students At Risk
- To do so, click the little box to the far right of each At Risk student
2. Competencies
This is for interim reports and end of year reports to be done by the teachers.
- Under each student there are the student’s UOCs (depending on the year)
- In the click down bar at the right of each UOC, you can change status according to were each student is at, Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory (S or US), Not Yet Delivered By Trainer, Started but Incomplete, or Withdrawn
- When you have completed the dropdowns for each student UOC, click Save Competencies at the very bottom of the page
3. Progress
This is to indicate progress – it is not final.
- The progress tab will have students listed with 9 dropdown boxes each and 1 space to write comment if the student is at risk
- At this time we ask you just rate each student in each individual dropdown, such as Punctuality, Meets Competency Requirements, Meets Work Deadlines (etc)
- You will be able to choose and mark them as Excellent, Very Good, Good, Satisfactory or Improvement Needed
- After each student it is worth clicking Save Progress
- Do not write comment in the box unless the student is at risk
- If there are any at risk students please let use know and I can also mark them at risk on attendance
Interim Report Templates
Please find the Year 1 Interim Report Template attached below:
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Please find the Year 2 Interim Report Template attached below